
Explore solutions offered by AuditMap and how it can improve your business

Integrated Workflows

Internal Audit

Review all of your internal reports to identify unmitigated risks and trends relevant to your organization. Sort by year, type, and topics.

Risk Management

Review public filings of industry- and sector-specific public companies for the latest awareness of emerging risks.

Internal Controls

Identify all reported controls from your standard operating procedures to ensure effectiveness and coverage of your operations.

Identify Emerging Risks & New Threats​

What risks beyond your master risk register recur every year? What areas of your organization have not been audited recently?

Organize Historical Risks

With AuditMap, all of the documented historical risks can be navigated, sorted, filtered, investigated, and prioritized.

Risk Register

Risk And Control Matrices

Residual Risks

Residual risks are your team’s obligation to manage, but that doesn’t mean you have to live in spreadsheets.

Prescribed Workflows

AuditMap provides prescribed workflows, including the ability to generate on-the-fly risk.

Identify Emerging Risks & New Threats​

What risks beyond your master risk register recur every year? What areas of your organization have not been audited recently?

Organize Historical Risks

With AuditMap, all of the documented historical risks can be navigated, sorted, filtered, investigated, and prioritized.

Risk-Based Audit Planning

Complete Customization

The AuditMap team can help you define and refine the particularities of your audit universe

Add and combine exotic risk management frameworks, such as the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Push the boundaries of your corporate objectives’ effectiveness by including a comparative analysis to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

1.Upload & Analyze

Your team uploads your audit reports and other documents to the platform. The AI engines then analyze every sentence to flag key sentences

2. Identify & Categorize

The system pinpoints risks, controls, and recommendations within your reports for you to review. Evaluate your risks and controls against industry best practices.

3. Engage & Export

Condense and share the most urgent findings identified to inform stakeholders. Discover the red flags that require corrective and preventive actions. Review the performance of programs and activities over time.

Discover AuditMap today.